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Easy Meals That Deliver All Tastes Of Fall

September 26, 2021

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When it comes to our busy schedules, it can be challenging to find time to prepare meals.  There’s enough on our plate as it is! Thankfully, we have solutions for enjoying delicious fall meals this season

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Prioritize Planning

First and foremost, everyone’s lifestyle is unique and different.  It’s all about setting realistic nutrition goals.  It’s important to consider  – What your schedule looks like during the week, what your top favorite go-to meals and comfort foods are, nutritional value, and most of all, what works best for your lifestyle.

Pros of forming a game plan 

  • Alleviate the stress around meal prepping, cooking, or baking while juggling a busy schedule.
  • Narrow down your grocery list for what you need and save time

Meal Prepping Must-Haves

Meal prepping is a wonderful skill to have and teach to your loved ones. Well-thought-out meal plans can help you improve your diet, meet nutrition goals and save you money and time! 

Here are some of our favorite meal prepping must-have items:  

  • Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Cutting Boards
  • Labeling Stickers
  • Fruit and Vegetable Cutting Tools
  • Food Storage Containers
  • On-The-Go Thermal Cups

Create Your Own Menu

When it comes to food choices, there are endless options for each meal of the day, including snacks!

Time to chef up your fall favorite meals…Bon Appetit


  • The most important meal of the day 
  • Sets the tone for the day
  • Easy to make, no prepping necessary

Our fall favorite breakfast meals include: Apple Oatmeal topped with nuts and fresh fruit,  Yogurt Parfaits, Fall French Toast with scrambled eggs & Dairy-Free Spinach Frittata.


  • Quick on-the-go choices
  • Can combine sides and change it up easily
  • Provides kids with a piece of home when they’re at school

Our favorite fall lunch recipes include:  Cold turkey wraps with cucumber salad, Tuna pinwheels with lettuce and tomato, Harvest salads with chicken salad, and berries.


  • Larger meal means more room for increased nutritional value
  • Encourages family bonding around the table
  • A time to share connection and favorite comfort foods

Our favorite dinner recipes include Fall Vegetable Pot Pie & Zucchini pasta, Stuffed Peppers & Vegetable Lasagna, Baked Bavarian Pot Roast With Cooked Squash, Spinach Turkey Turnovers & Mashed Potatoes.
It’s always important to add protein, vegetables, and fruits to as many meals as possible – This will benefit your health and satisfy hunger for longer periods of time. Changing things up allows you to meet everyone’s unique taste while receiving healthy nutrients and vitamins.

Young people dining and having fun drinking red wine together on balcony rooftop dinner party – Happy friends eating bbq food at restaurant patio – Millannial life style concept on warm evening filter

Easy Meal Takeaways

Lastly, it’s important to keep in mind little extra tips along the way to save you from unnecessary stress and sacrificing nutrition

Enjoy these important fall  meal takeaways: 

  • Carve out time to meal prep the night before and on weekends
  • Preparing your favorite comfort foods and snacks can be an enjoyable activity 
  • Pack and store on-the-go meals in individual food containers for quick on-the-run meals
  • Healthy, hearty soups such as butternut squash are great, easy, and healthy food choices. 
  • Roasting vegetables in the oven and wrapping them up in tinfoil as side dishes or healthy snacks
  • Always make time for sitting around the dining table  – Promotes connection and joy. 

With these solutions, you’ll get to enjoy fall meals this season in a stress-free way. 

It always feels rewarding to cook a  well-balanced meal that is equally as delicious as it is nutritious! 

Time to cherish your favorite foods in the comfort of your home!

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Fill your belly and fuel your soul with a little taste of everything HOSPITALITY! 



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